
1. Pebbles

        As we know that nature is very healthy for us. It refreshes our mind, soul and relaxed our body. In today's world, it is not possible for all of us to have a garden. But, you can give your home a natural interior by adding bits of nature to your home. Pebbles are the amazing way to add more beauty to your flat's interior, garden, lawn,etc.      • Garden Pebbles: The idea of adding pebbles to your garden will give it a beautiful glow. You can use polished or unpolished, or another varieties for this purpose. Pebbles used for borderline of the garden gives an awesome outline look. If you have a tree in your garden you can use rough pebbles to cover the soil around the tree. This will create "Sone pe Suhaaga" look to the beauty of the tree. You can also use pebbles to decorate the potted plants. Of course we love to visit natural places to see the beauty of nature, but what if we add tiny bits of nature to our home and make it beautiful and an e...

Stone gallery

Different types of stones are available at our store. We have unlimited varieties of each and  they are as follows:  1. Pebbles 2. Stones 3. Granite 4. Marble 5. Kaddapa 6. Kota 7. Dholpur 8. Tiles  ....each available in different varieties. For more information please contact us at or Contact no.- 7506647747...                             ~Anshu Thakur